All Shall Perish The Price Of Existence 2006 320 Kbps
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(2) Any natural person or corporate body who knowingly propagatesfalse or deceptive information on the situation or prospects of an issuerwhose securities are on the market such as to influence the prices, orinterfere or attempt to interfere, in any manner, with the proper functioning ofthe market, shall be punished with imprisonment for from 6 (six) months to 2(two) years or with fine of from CFAF 1 000 000 (one million) to CFAF10 000 000 (ten million) or with both such imprisonment and fine.
Any public servant or public employee who grants exemption from anyfee, due, duty, tax or contribution, or who sells at a lesser price than thatprescribed, any property of the State, of a cooperative, or of any authority orcorporation either public or subject to the administrative control of the State,or in which the State holds, whether directly or not, the majority of the shares,shall be punished with imprisonment for from 2 (two) to 10 (ten) years andwith fine of from CFAF 20 000 (twenty thousand) to CFAF 2 000 000 (twomillion).
Any public servant or public employee, notary public, public auctioneer,baili ff or process server or representative of any such who demands any fee,due, duty or tax which is not due, or any material benefit otherwise than onpayment of the proper price, shall be punished with imprisonment for from 2(two) to 10 (ten) years and with fine of from CFAF 200 000 (two hundredthousand) to CFAF (two million).
(1) Whoever by any fraudulent means causes an artificial increase ordecrease of the price of goods or public or private securities, shall bepunished with imprisonment for from 2 (two) months to (2) two years and withfine of from CFAF 400 000 (four hundred thousand) to CFAF 20 000 000(twenty million).
Whoever with intent thereby to influence the market in foodstuffswhether for human or animal consumption causes or permits them to perish,rot or disappear from circulation, shall be punished with imprisonment forfrom 1 (one) to 5 (five) years and with fine of from CFAF 50 000 (fiftythousand) to CFAF 1 000 000 (one million).
(1) Any physician, surgeon, dresser or nurse, dentist or midwife who forthe advantage or disadvantage of any person falsely certifies or conceals theexistence of any disease or disability, or falsely certifies the performance orresult of an inoculation, or gives misleading information on the origin of adisease, on the duration of a disability, or on the cause of any death, shall bepunished with imprisonment for from 2 (two) months to 3 (three) years andwith fine of from CFAF 5 000 (five thousand) to CFAF 100 000 (one hundredthousand).
(5) Where the person who received payment of the whole or a part ofthe bride-price is accessory to a wife's offence, he shall be punished withimprisonment for from 3 (three) months to 1 (one) year and with fine of fromCFAF 50 000 (fifty thousand) to CFAF 500 000 (five hundred thousand). 2b1af7f3a8